Tiramisu Tools
1.- Tools being developed in TIRAMISU
Product name (partners a.o.) |
Module |
Current TRL |
Expected TRL |
Description/Notes |
Contact(s) |
Relevant expert knowledge, geospatial and contextual information management system
1,2,3,9 |
6-7 |
Support the collection and management of expert, geospatial and contextual information at country and/or regional level. |
Pablo Vega Sabine Vanhuysse |
Remote sensing image acquisition and pre-processing system |
1, 2, 3, 9 |
6,7 |
Methods and services related to the acquisition of satellite remote sensing images. |
Pablo Vega Sabine Vanhuysse |
T-MAP | Features of interest mapping system | 1, 2, 3, 9 | 6-7 | Tools for mapping and deriving features of interest based on the interpretation and analysis of satellite remote sensing data. |
Pablo Vega Sabine Vanhuysse |
Suspected Hazardous Area delineation GIS-based decision support system |
1,2,3,9 |
6-7 |
Use data output by T-REX, T-IMS and T-MAP and combine spatial analysis method to support area reduction. |
Pablo Vega Sabine Vanhuysse |
Information management system |
2, 3, 4, 5, 9 |
7-8 |
Receive/collect/gather task and report, compile, analyse, present and communicate all relevant field data. |
Björn Liszka |
tsuXML |
eXtensible Mark-up language |
2, 3, 4, 5, 9 |
7-8 |
Schema which will eventually contain all information (including metadata). |
Björn Liszka |
TRS | Repository Service | 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 | 7-8 | Service to store data collected by sensors, display in the same geographical reference and make them available for combined analysis, decision support or mission planning. | Björn Liszka liszka@transit.se www.spinator.se |
Advanced Intelligence Decision Support System |
2,3,4,5,9 |
8-9 |
Uses T-REX, T-IMAGE, T-MAP and T-SHA. |
Nikola Pavkovic |
T4 |
High Level Mine Action Management |
1,2,3,4,5,9, |
6,7,8 |
Web-based GIS for multi-criteria decision support in prioritisation for and TIRAMISU tools suitability. |
Nikola Pavkovic |
T5 |
Ground Penetrating Radar Array |
3,4 |
4 |
6 |
Air-launched GPR array with real-time processing for detecting mines, IED and UXO up to ~1 m deep, successfully demonstrated in an operational environment (Croatia field trials) with expected TRL 6 by the end of the project. |
Giovanni Alli |
T5a |
Ground Penetrating Radar Array: Signal processing module for classification |
3,4 |
2 |
4-5 |
Time-frequency signal processing module for mine detection using GPR array data. |
Mahmoud El Hajj |
T5b |
STREAM X Ground Penetrating Radar Array |
3,4 |
5-6 |
5-6 |
Ground-coupled GPR array with off-line processing developed for archaeology and shallow geological mapping some field tests have been successfully performed for detecting IED, UXO and large mine simulants (TRL 6); |
Giovanni Alli |
T6a |
Medium stand-off Synthetic Aperture Radar |
3,4 |
2-3 |
5-6 |
Use for other partners has to be agreed on a bilateral basis. Operation can only be done by DLR staff. |
Markus Peichl |
T6b |
NOVELTIS radar signature simulator |
3,4 |
2 |
4,5 |
Ground probing simulator for defining optimal GPR parameters for mine detection. |
Arnaud Ginestet |
T7a |
Hyperspectral sensor |
3,4,5 |
8,9 |
Airborne hyper spectral mine field detection, after bio-chemical and hyper spectral testing and operational validation on real minefields. |
Milan Bajic |
T7b |
Chemical sensor |
3,4,5 |
2,3 |
6 |
Laser/fluorescence based polymer sensors for nitroaromatic vapour detection. |
Graham Turnbull |
T8 |
Remotely controled Inspection Platforms |
3,4,5,6,8 |
4-6 |
7-8 |
Manuel Armada Matteo Zoppi |
T8c |
a)Tracked TEODOR Robot |
a)4 |
a)5-7 |
a) 7 b)7 c)7
a)Teleoperated EOD robot |
Geert de Cubber |
T9a |
Mine Risk Education |
7,8,10 |
2 |
7 |
Theatre play suitable to be transmitted also by radio (soap opera style) for adults. |
Emanuela Cepolina |
T9b |
Computerized Mine Risk Education |
7,8,10 |
1 |
Development of computer-applicable tools for Mine Risk Education of children and testing them with psychologists and educators.
a.maslowski@imm.org.pl |
T10 |
Individual Protection Material |
4,6 |
3.4.6 |
8 |
Testing Facilities for New materials. |
Marc.pirlot@rma.ac.be |
T11 |
Low-cost agricultural derived assistance |
3,4 |
5 |
9 |
a) The system will be accredited at the facilities of Cerovac, in Croatia (detailed organization will be carried out in the next months). The accredited system will include the tractor in a setup good for |
www.pierretra.com |
T12 |
Biosensors |
3,4,5 |
4-5 |
Methods of honey bees training for explosive detection and aerial assessment of the spatial density distribution of bees. |
kandrija@gmail.com |
T13 |
Blast Resistant Wheel |
3,4,5,6 |
5 |
9 |
AP mines blast resistant wheels suitable to different types of platforms. |
www.pierretra.com |
T14 |
Soft Body Protection |
3,4,6 |
3,4,6 |
8 |
Testing facilities for new materials. |
Marc.pirlot@rma.ac.be |
T15a |
Platform for transport of hazardous goods and landmines |
6 |
2 |
4,5 |
Design and building of the platform for transport of hazardous goods and landmines to be attached to standard means of transport (tractors, utility vehicles, etc.). |
wojcieszynska@witi.wroc.pl |
T15b |
Mine and hazardous object-clearing machine (pressure principle). |
6 |
2 |
4,5 |
Design of a mine and hazardous object-clearing machine (pressure principle). |
wojcieszynska@witi.wroc.pl |
T15c |
Prototype of an antipersonnel mine neutralisation set |
6 |
2 |
7 |
wojcieszynska@witi.wroc.pl |
T15d |
Prototype of an antipersonnel mine neutralisation set (explosion method) |
6 |
2 |
7 |
wojcieszynska@witi.wroc.pl |
T15e |
ED Disposal – RDX neutralisation |
2 |
4 |
A detailed study on RDX disposal via chemical method (non-explosive decomposition. |
wojcieszynska@witi.wroc.pl |
T16 |
Intelligent Prodder |
4 |
3 |
4 ,7 |
Already available technology demonstrators (TRL 3) of “tactile” and “magnetic” sensors. |
gmuscato@diees.unict.it |
T17 |
Innovative Metal detector Array |
4,5,6 |
5 |
9 |
This research project focuses on a versatile and innovative multi-channel metal detector. The goal is to unify the advantages of a hand held detector (high detection performance, flexible adaption to terrain, various discrimination functions to enhance the detection capabilities by reducing the false alarm rate while keeping the probability of detection high) with the advantages of vehicle mounted multi-channel systems (large detection footprint, high search speed). |
Jurgen.braunstein@vallon.de |
T18a |
Real-Time Location and Communication |
3,4,5 |
2 |
7-8 |
Gerd Waizmann |
T19a |
Training of End-Users, Mine action Centres R&D community and Key-Staff |
8 |
1 |
a.malowski@imm.org.pl www.imm.org.pl |
T19b |
Training of End-Users, Mine action Centres R&D community and Key-Staff |
8 |
1 |
1) the tool for training in operation of unmanned vehicles during their missions in TIRAMISU demining activities, and for 2) the tool for training of management staff in TIRAMISU demining missions management |
a.maslowski@imm.org.pl |
T19c |
Research of the Mine Suspected Area |
2 |
9 |
Methodology for application of the Advanced Intelligence Decision Support System for the assessment of the mine suspected area. Examples, instructions, explanation. Enables experts in the Mine Action Centres or Governmental Administration to apply AI DSS technology. Useful to scientists too. |
Nikola.pavkovic@ctro.hr Milan.bajic@zg.t-com.hr www.ctro.hr |
T20 |
CEN Workshop Agreement |
3,4 |
1 |
8-9 |
Topic to be defined |
Yann Yvinec Yann.Yvinec@rma.ac.be www.sic.rma.ac.be |
2.- Tools developed by TIRAMISU partners before TIRAMISU
Product name (partners a.o.) |
Module |
Current TRL |
Expected TRL |
Description/Notes |
Contact(s) |
T1b |
Integrated SMART Geospatial System
2 |
9 |
9 |
d. Tools for combining above output with other available information – from MAC database, historical study or visual interpretation of high-resolution data – into danger maps that summarize the available information and its confidence level |
Yann Yvinec
T1c |
1, 2, 3, 9 |
9 |
9 |
CATENA is based on the DLR in-house development image analysis software system XDibias |
Danielle Hoja Danielle.hoja@dlr.de ww.dlr.de |
T5b | STREAM X Ground Penetrating Radar Array | 3,4 | 5-6 | 5-6 |
Ground-coupled GPR array with off-line processing developed for archaeology and shallow geological mapping some field tests have been successfully performed for detecting IED, UXO and large mine simulants (TRL 6); not yet tested in relevant environment for detecting small mines (TRL 5). |
T8a |
SILO-6 (DYLEMA Project) |
3,4,8 |
4 |
SILO-6 is a six legged robot designed to integrate new sensors systems for humanitarian activities |
Manuel Armada manuel.armada@csic.es www.car.upm-csic.es |
T8b T19a |
Scanning manipulator (DYLEMA project) |
3, 4, 8 |
4 |
The manipulator is designed to carry a sensor head based on a metal detector. |
Manuel Armada |
T17a |
Metal detector array: VMV Discriminating UXO detector: VMXC1 Metal detector VMH3CS |
4, 5, 6 |
9 |
9 |
Jurgen Braunstein |
T18b | Data logger (PROTIME) | 3, 4, 5 | 8 | 8 | Position Sensor-Logger with communication via GSM. | info@protime.de www.protime.de |
T18b |
Servicer (PROTIME) |
2, 3, 4, 5 |
8 |
8 |
Web-portal for Position and Visualisation |
info@protime.de |
T18c |
Android-Apps (PROTIME) |
2,3,4,5 |
8 |
8 |
Mobile user interfaces for simple use and data collection and interaction |
T18d |
Galileo-SAR Lawine (PROTIME) |
3,4,5 |
7 |
7 |
High precision 3D localisation of buried avalenche victims using Galileo Signals |
info@protime.de www.protime.de |
T18e |
Orange System (PROTIME) |
3,4,5 |
7 |
7 |
Monitoring and alarm dangerous goods transport |
T18f |
Blue System (PROTIME) |
3,4,5 |
7 |
7 |
Support system for rescue services |
info@protime.de |
T18g |
Driem (PROTIME) |
3,4,5 |
4 |
4 |
IMU for robot applications |
T20a |
Test and evaluation Part 1: Metal Detectors (CWA 14747-1:2003) Part 2: Soil characterization for metal detector and ground penetrating radar performance (CWA 14747-2.2008) |
3,4 |
8-9 |
Yann Yvinec |
T20b |
Test and evaluation of demining machines (CWA 15044:2009) |
6 |
8-9 |
Laser/fluorescence based polymer sensors for nitroaromatic vapour detection. |
Yann Yvinec |
T20c |
Lessons Learned - Test and Evaluation of Mechanical Demining Equipment according to the CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA 15044:2004) Part 1: The effect of soil condition on measurements of ground penetration depth and machine performance Part 2: Interpretation of Ground Penetration Depth Measurement Part 3: Measuring soil compaction and soil moisture content of areas for testing of mechanical demining equipment
6 |
4-6 |
7-8 |
Yann Yvinec |
3.- Tools developed outside TIRAMISU
Product name (partners a.o.) |
Module |
Current TRL |
Expected TRL |
Description/Notes |
Contact(s) |
T20a |
Test and evaluation Part 1: Metal Detectors (CWA 14747 - 1:2003) Part 2: Soil characterisation for metal and ground penetrating radar performance (CWA 14747 - 2.2008)
2 |
9 |
9 |
Yann Yvinec yvinec@rma.ac.be www.sic.rma.ac.be
T20b |
Test and evaluation of demining machines (CWA 15044:2009) |
6 |
8-9 |
Yann Yvinec yvinec@rma.ac.be www.sic.rma.ac.be |
T20c |
Lessons Learned - Test and Evaluation of Mechanical Demining Equipment according to the CEN workshop agreement (CWA 15044:2004) Part 1: The effect of soil condition on measurements of ground penetration depth and machine performance Part 2: Interpretation of Ground Penetration Depth Measurements Part 3: Measuring soil compaction and soil moisture areas for testing of mechanical deminin equipment |
6 | 8-9 |
Product name (partners a.o.) |
Module |
Current TRL |
Expected TRL |
Description/Notes |
Contact(s) |
Relevant expert knowledge, geospatial and contextual information management system
1,2,3,9 |
6-7 |
Support the collection and management of expert, geospatial and contextual information at country and/or regional level. |
Pablo Vega Sabine Vanhuysse |
Remote sensing image acquisition and pre-processing system |
1, 2, 3, 9 |
6,7 |
Methods and services related to the acquisition of satellite remote sensing images. |
Pablo Vega Sabine Vanhuysse |
T-MAP | Features of interest mapping system | 1, 2, 3, 9 | 6-7 | Tools for mapping and deriving features of interest based on the interpretation and analysis of satellite remote sensing data. |
Pablo Vega Sabine Vanhuysse |
Suspected Hazardous Area delineation GIS-based decision support system |
1,2,3,9 |
6-7 |
Use data output by T-REX, T-IMS and T-MAP and combine spatial analysis method to support area reduction. |
Pablo Vega Sabine Vanhuysse |
Information management system |
2, 3, 4, 5, 9 |
7-8 |
Receive/collect/gather task and report, compile, analyse, present and communicate all relevant field data. |
Björn Liszka |
tsuXML |
eXtensible Mark-up language |
2, 3, 4, 5, 9 |
7-8 |
Schema which will eventually contain all information (including metadata). |
Björn Liszka |
T-TMM | Tool for message management | 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 | 3-4 | 7-8 | Create validate tasks and report forms covering all or any parts of the tsuXML including GIS symbology. | Björn Liszka liszka@transit.se www.spinator.se |
TRS | Repository Service | 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 | 7-8 | Service to store data collected by sensors, display in the same geographical reference and make them available for combined analysis, decision support or mission planning. | Björn Liszka liszka@transit.se www.spinator.se |
Advanced Intelligence Decision Support System |
2,3,4,5,9 |
8-9 |
Uses T-REX, T-IMAGE, T-MAP and T-SHA. |
Nikola Pavkovic |
T4 |
High Level Mine Action Management |
1,2,3,4,5,9, |
6,7,8 |
Web-based GIS for multi-criteria decision support in prioritisation for and TIRAMISU tools suitability. |
Nikola Pavkovic |
T5 |
Ground Penetrating Radar Array |
3,4 |
4 |
6 |
Air-launched GPR array with real-time processing for detecting mines, IED and UXO up to ~1 m deep, successfully demonstrated in an operational environment (Croatia field trials) with expected TRL 6 by the end of the project. |
Giovanni Alli |
T5a |
Ground Penetrating Radar Array: Signal processing module for classification |
3,4 |
2 |
4-5 |
Time-frequency signal processing module for mine detection using GPR array data. |
Mahmous Elhaji |
T5b |
STREAM X Ground Penetrating Radar Array |
3,4 |
5-6 |
5-6 |
Ground-coupled GPR array with off-line processing developed for archaeology and shallow geological mapping some field tests have been successfully performed for detecting IED, UXO and large mine simulants (TRL 6); |
Giovanni Alli |
T6a |
Medium stand-off Synthetic Aperture Radar |
3,4 |
2-3 |
5-6 |
Use for other partners has to be agreed on a bilateral basis. Operation can only be done by DLR staff. |
Markus Peichl |
T6b |
NOVELTIS radar signature simulator |
3,4 |
2 |
4,5 |
Ground probing simulator for defining optimal GPR parameters for mine detection. |
Arnaud Ginestet |
T7a |
Hyperspectral sensor |
3,4,5 |
8,9 |
Airborne hyper spectral mine field detection, after bio-chemical and hyper spectral testing and operational validation on real minefields. |
Milan Bajic |
T7b |
Chemical sensor |
3,4,5 |
2,3 |
6 |
Laser/fluorescence based polymer sensors for nitroaromatic vapour detection. |
Graham Turnbull |
T8 |
Remotely controled Inspection Platforms |
3,4,5,6,8 |
4-6 |
7-8 |
Manuel Armada Matteo Zoppi |
T8c |
a)Tracked TEODOR Robot |
a)4 |
a)5-7 |
a) 7 b)7 c)7
a)Teleoperated EOD robot |
Geert de Cubber |
T9a |
Mine Risk Education |
7,8,10 |
2 |
7 |
Theatre play suitable to be transmitted also by radio (soap opera style) for adults. |
Emanuela Cepolina |
T9b |
Computerized Mine Risk Education |
7,8,10 |
1 |
Development of computer-applicable tools for Mine Risk Education of children and testing them with psychologists and educators.
a.maslowski@imm.org.pl |
T10 |
Individual Protection Material |
4,6 |
3.4.6 |
8 |
Testing Facilities for New materials. |
Marc.pirlot@rma.ac.be |
T11 |
Low-cost agricultural derived assistance |
3,4 |
5 |
9 |
a) The system will be accredited at the facilities of Cerovac, in Croatia (detailed organization will be carried out in the next months). The accredited system will include the tractor in a setup good for |
www.pierretra.com |
T12 |
Biosensors |
3,4,5 |
4-5 |
Methods of honey bees training for explosive detection and aerial assessment of the spatial density distribution of bees. |
kandrija@gmail.com |
T13 |
Blast Resistant Wheel |
3,4,5,6 |
5 |
9 |
AP mines blast resistant wheels suitable to different types of platforms. |
www.pierretra.com |
T14 |
Soft Body Protection |
3,4,6 |
3,4,6 |
8 |
Testing facilities for new materials. |
Marc.pirlot@rma.ac.be |
T15a |
Platform for transport of hazardous goods and landmines |
6 |
2 |
4,5 |
Design and building of the platform for transport of hazardous goods and landmines to be attached to standard means of transport (tractors, utility vehicles, etc.). |
wojcieszynska@witi.wroc.pl |
T15b |
Mine and hazardous object-clearing machine (pressure principle). |
6 |
2 |
4,5 |
Design of a mine and hazardous object-clearing machine (pressure principle). |
wojcieszynska@witi.wroc.pl |
T15c |
Prototype of an antipersonnel mine neutralisation set |
6 |
2 |
7 |
wojcieszynska@witi.wroc.pl |
T15d |
Prototype of an antipersonnel mine neutralisation set (explosion method) |
6 |
2 |
7 |
wojcieszynska@witi.wroc.pl |
T15e |
ED Disposal – RDX neutralisation |
2 |
4 |
A detailed study on RDX disposal via chemical method (non-explosive decomposition. |
wojcieszynska@witi.wroc.pl |
T16 |
Intelligent Prodder |
4 |
3 |
4 ,7 |
Already available technology demonstrators (TRL 3) of “tactile” and “magnetic” sensors. |
gmuscato@diees.unict.it |
T17 |
Innovative Metal detector Array |
4,5,6 |
5 |
9 |
This research project focuses on a versatile and innovative multi-channel metal detector. The goal is to unify the advantages of a hand held detector (high detection performance, flexible adaption to terrain, various discrimination functions to enhance the detection capabilities by reducing the false alarm rate while keeping the probability of detection high) with the advantages of vehicle mounted multi-channel systems (large detection footprint, high search speed). |
Jurgen.braunstein@vallon.de |
T18a |
Real-Time Location and Communication |
3,4,5 |
2 |
7-8 |
Mahmous.elhaji@noveltis.fr |
T19a |
Training of End-Users, Mine action Centres R&D community and Key-Staff |
8 |
1 |
a.malowski@imm.org.plwww.imm.org.pl |
T19b |
Training of End-Users, Mine action Centres R&D community and Key-Staff |
8 |
1 |
1) the tool for training in operation of unmanned vehicles during their missions in TIRAMISU demining activities, and for 2) the tool for training of management staff in TIRAMISU demining missions management |
a.maslowski@imm.org.pl |
T19c |
Research of the Mine Suspected Area |
2 |
9 |
Methodology for application of the Advanced Intelligence Decision Support System for the assessment of the mine suspected area. Examples, instructions, explanation. Enables experts in the Mine Action Centres or Governmental Administration to apply AI DSS technology. Useful to scientists too. |
Nikola.pavkovic@ctro.hr Milan.bajic@zg.t-com.hrwww.ctro.hr |
T20 |
CEN Workshop Agreement |
3,4 |
1 |
8-9 |
Topic to be defined |
Yann.Yvinec@rma.ac.be |
Product name (partners a.o.) |
Module |
Current TRL |
Expected TRL |
Description/Notes |
Contact(s) |
Relevant expert knowledge, geospatial and contextual information management system
1,2,3,9 |
6-7 |
Support the collection and management of expert, geospatial and contextual information at country and/or regional level. |
Pablo Vega Sabine Vanhuysse |
Remote sensing image acquisition and pre-processing system |
1, 2, 3, 9 |
6,7 |
Methods and services related to the acquisition of satellite remote sensing images. |
Pablo Vega Sabine Vanhuysse |
T-MAP | Features of interest mapping system | 1, 2, 3, 9 | 6-7 | Tools for mapping and deriving features of interest based on the interpretation and analysis of satellite remote sensing data. |
Pablo Vega Sabine Vanhuysse |
Suspected Hazardous Area delineation GIS-based decision support system |
1,2,3,9 |
6-7 |
Use data output by T-REX, T-IMS and T-MAP and combine spatial analysis method to support area reduction. |
Pablo Vega Sabine Vanhuysse |
Information management system |
2, 3, 4, 5, 9 |
7-8 |
Receive/collect/gather task and report, compile, analyse, present and communicate all relevant field data. |
Björn Liszka |
tsuXML |
eXtensible Mark-up language |
2, 3, 4, 5, 9 |
7-8 |
Schema which will eventually contain all information (including metadata). |
Björn Liszka |
T-TMM | Tool for message management | 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 | 3-4 | 7-8 | Create validate tasks and report forms covering all or any parts of the tsuXML including GIS symbology. | Björn Liszka liszka@transit.se www.spinator.se |
TRS | Repository Service | 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 | 7-8 | Service to store data collected by sensors, display in the same geographical reference and make them available for combined analysis, decision support or mission planning. | Björn Liszka liszka@transit.se www.spinator.se |
Advanced Intelligence Decision Support System |
2,3,4,5,9 |
8-9 |
Uses T-REX, T-IMAGE, T-MAP and T-SHA. |
Nikola Pavkovic |
T4 |
High Level Mine Action Management |
1,2,3,4,5,9, |
6,7,8 |
Web-based GIS for multi-criteria decision support in prioritisation for and TIRAMISU tools suitability. |
Nikola Pavkovic |
T5 |
Ground Penetrating Radar Array |
3,4 |
4 |
6 |
Air-launched GPR array with real-time processing for detecting mines, IED and UXO up to ~1 m deep, successfully demonstrated in an operational environment (Croatia field trials) with expected TRL 6 by the end of the project. |
Giovanni Alli |
T5a |
Ground Penetrating Radar Array: Signal processing module for classification |
3,4 |
2 |
4-5 |
Time-frequency signal processing module for mine detection using GPR array data. |
Mahmous Elhaji |
T5b |
STREAM X Ground Penetrating Radar Array |
3,4 |
5-6 |
5-6 |
Ground-coupled GPR array with off-line processing developed for archaeology and shallow geological mapping some field tests have been successfully performed for detecting IED, UXO and large mine simulants (TRL 6); |
Giovanni Alli |
T6a |
Medium stand-off Synthetic Aperture Radar |
3,4 |
2-3 |
5-6 |
Use for other partners has to be agreed on a bilateral basis. Operation can only be done by DLR staff. |
Markus Peichl |
T6b |
NOVELTIS radar signature simulator |
3,4 |
2 |
4,5 |
Ground probing simulator for defining optimal GPR parameters for mine detection. |
Arnaud Ginestet |
T7a |
Hyperspectral sensor |
3,4,5 |
8,9 |
Airborne hyper spectral mine field detection, after bio-chemical and hyper spectral testing and operational validation on real minefields. |
Milan Bajic |
T7b |
Chemical sensor |
3,4,5 |
2,3 |
6 |
Laser/fluorescence based polymer sensors for nitroaromatic vapour detection. |
Graham Turnbull |
T8 |
Remotely controled Inspection Platforms |
3,4,5,6,8 |
4-6 |
7-8 |
Manuel Armada Matteo Zoppi |
T8c |
a)Tracked TEODOR Robot |
a)4 |
a)5-7 |
a) 7 b)7 c)7
a)Teleoperated EOD robot |
Geert de Cubber |
T9a |
Mine Risk Education |
7,8,10 |
2 |
7 |
Theatre play suitable to be transmitted also by radio (soap opera style) for adults. |
Emanuela Cepolina |
T9b |
Computerized Mine Risk Education |
7,8,10 |
1 |
Development of computer-applicable tools for Mine Risk Education of children and testing them with psychologists and educators.
a.maslowski@imm.org.pl |
T10 |
Individual Protection Material |
4,6 |
3.4.6 |
8 |
Testing Facilities for New materials. |
Marc.pirlot@rma.ac.be |
T11 |
Low-cost agricultural derived assistance |
3,4 |
5 |
9 |
a) The system will be accredited at the facilities of Cerovac, in Croatia (detailed organization will be carried out in the next months). The accredited system will include the tractor in a setup good for |
www.pierretra.com |
T12 |
Biosensors |
3,4,5 |
4-5 |
Methods of honey bees training for explosive detection and aerial assessment of the spatial density distribution of bees. |
kandrija@gmail.com |
T13 |
Blast Resistant Wheel |
3,4,5,6 |
5 |
9 |
AP mines blast resistant wheels suitable to different types of platforms. |
www.pierretra.com |
T14 |
Soft Body Protection |
3,4,6 |
3,4,6 |
8 |
Testing facilities for new materials. |
Marc.pirlot@rma.ac.be |
T15a |
Platform for transport of hazardous goods and landmines |
6 |
2 |
4,5 |
Design and building of the platform for transport of hazardous goods and landmines to be attached to standard means of transport (tractors, utility vehicles, etc.). |
wojcieszynska@witi.wroc.pl |
T15b |
Mine and hazardous object-clearing machine (pressure principle). |
6 |
2 |
4,5 |
Design of a mine and hazardous object-clearing machine (pressure principle). |
wojcieszynska@witi.wroc.pl |
T15c |
Prototype of an antipersonnel mine neutralisation set |
6 |
2 |
7 |
wojcieszynska@witi.wroc.pl |
T15d |
Prototype of an antipersonnel mine neutralisation set (explosion method) |
6 |
2 |
7 |
wojcieszynska@witi.wroc.pl |
T15e |
ED Disposal – RDX neutralisation |
2 |
4 |
A detailed study on RDX disposal via chemical method (non-explosive decomposition. |
wojcieszynska@witi.wroc.pl |
T16 |
Intelligent Prodder |
4 |
3 |
4 ,7 |
Already available technology demonstrators (TRL 3) of “tactile” and “magnetic” sensors. |
gmuscato@diees.unict.it |
T17 |
Innovative Metal detector Array |
4,5,6 |
5 |
9 |
This research project focuses on a versatile and innovative multi-channel metal detector. The goal is to unify the advantages of a hand held detector (high detection performance, flexible adaption to terrain, various discrimination functions to enhance the detection capabilities by reducing the false alarm rate while keeping the probability of detection high) with the advantages of vehicle mounted multi-channel systems (large detection footprint, high search speed). |
Jurgen.braunstein@vallon.de |
T18a |
Real-Time Location and Communication |
3,4,5 |
2 |
7-8 |
Mahmous.elhaji@noveltis.fr |
T19a |
Training of End-Users, Mine action Centres R&D community and Key-Staff |
8 |
1 |
a.malowski@imm.org.plwww.imm.org.pl |
T19b |
Training of End-Users, Mine action Centres R&D community and Key-Staff |
8 |
1 |
1) the tool for training in operation of unmanned vehicles during their missions in TIRAMISU demining activities, and for 2) the tool for training of management staff in TIRAMISU demining missions management |
a.maslowski@imm.org.pl |
T19c |
Research of the Mine Suspected Area |
2 |
9 |
Methodology for application of the Advanced Intelligence Decision Support System for the assessment of the mine suspected area. Examples, instructions, explanation. Enables experts in the Mine Action Centres or Governmental Administration to apply AI DSS technology. Useful to scientists too. |
Nikola.pavkovic@ctro.hr Milan.bajic@zg.t-com.hrwww.ctro.hr |
T20 |
CEN Workshop Agreement |
3,4 |
1 |
8-9 |
Topic to be defined |
Yann.Yvinec@rma.ac.be |