(Belgium) |
Company Profile: The RMA Polytechnic Faculty includes the RMA-Unmanned Vehicle Centre (UVC) focusing on the adaptive control of mobile robots, the Signal & Image Centre (SIC), a research centre having its main expertise in signal and image processing applied to the fields of remote sensing, pattern recognition, data fusion, image restoration, image compression and with research activities including the processing of optical and thermal: panchromatic, multi-spectral, hyper-spectral and full polarimetric SAR remote sensing data, the National Ballistics Intelligence Service (ABAL) ensures all ballistic tests related to security applications (individu, vehicle, building) and conduct R&D in the field of ballistic protection. Main Roles in TIRAMISU: RMA will coordinate the project; will lead the Toolbox Requirements and Management part of Tiramisu. |
Company Profile: DLR is the largest research establishment for engineering sciences in Germany, in five main research areas: aerospace, aeronautics, energy, transport, and security. DLR's Earth Observation Centre EOC (the German Remote Sensing Data Centre DFD and the Remote Sensing Technology Institute IMF) has full access to DLR facilities such as the satellite ground segments, robot data archives, and other infrastructure important for the network. DLR's Microwaves and Radar Institute has a long tradition in microwave technologies and remote sensing. A multitude of systems on-ground-based, airborne, and satellite platforms have been developed and designed autonomously or together with national and international partners. The institute runs two major satellite SAR missions, SAR-Lupe and Terra-SAR/TanDEM-X, both being very innovative and unique demonstrations of modern radar technology on a global scale. Main Roles in TIRAMISU: DLR-IMF will participate in developing tools for Land Imact Survey and non Technical Survey including the provision of airborne campaigns. DLR-HR will participate in the development of tools for close-in detection. |
(Portugal) |
Company Profile: The Institute of Systems and Robotics (ISR) is a public non-profit research institute associated with the University of Coimbra. ISR has been founded in 1992 and promotes advanced multidisciplinary R&D in the areas Robotic. ISR-UC gives special attention to international scientific research cooperation, being involved in over a dozen international projects Main Roles in TIRAMISU: ISR-UC will lead the development of Tools for close-in detection focusing its work in the areas of robotics, chemical sensors; and sensor fusion for landmine detection. |
(Spain) |
Company Profile: The Spanish National Research Council CSIC (Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas) is the largest public institution dedicated to research in Spain and the third largest in Europe. Belonging to the Spanish Ministry of Economic and Competitiveness through the Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation, its main objective is to develop and promote research that will help bring about scientific and technological progress, and it is prepared to collaborate with Spanish and foreign entities in order to achieve this aim. CSIC plays an important role in scientific and technological policy, since it encompasses an area that takes in everything from basic research to the transfer of knowledge to the productive sector. Its research is driven by its centres and institutes, which are spread across all the autonomous regions, and its more than 15,000 staff, of whom ore than 3,000 are staff researchers and the same number again are doctors and scientists who are still training. CSIC has 6% of all the staff dedicated to Research and Development in Spain, and they generate approximately 20% of all scientific production in the country. It also manages a range of important facilities; the most complete and extensive network of specialist libraries, and also has joint research units. Main Roles in TIRAMISU: The Centre for Automation and Robotics – CAR, is a joint Research Centre between CSIC and UPM, and in TIRAMISU project it will be in charge of leading the Tools for Training development and in participating in several of the other modules, namely close-in detection, dissemination and exploitation. |
(Italy) |
Company Profile: The University of Catania was founded in 1434. The Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica Elettronica e Informatica (DIEEI) was originally established in 1971. In the laboratory of DIEEI several prototype of service and mobile robots have been designed and built. The Service robotic group has carried out research activity in the mobile and industrial robotic sectors within several national and international projects, in cooperation with private and public research centres. Main Roles in TIRAMISU: UNICT will participate in Tools for Technical survey development (MAV, GIS & GNSS) and in the development of an intelligent probe and for navigation methods for mobile robots. |
(Italy) |
Company Profile: The research group of DIMEC belongs to the PMAR Robotics Group (Laboratory of Design and Measurement for Automation and Robotics). The main research lines are: *Design and development of mechatronic and robotic systems for industrial and service applications including systems for harsh environment, for rescue and security, and autonomous and tele-operated ground, aerial and underwater systems; Design and development of appropriate technologies and machines solving end-users practical problems; Translation of end-users demand in technical requirements, development of new breakthrough and multidisciplinary solutions with technology transfer; Design and development of measurement chains and systems for complex applications including soft measurement and measurement in extreme environments. Main Roles in TIRAMISU: DIMEC leads and coordinates the Tools for Technical Surveys part of the project. DIMEC provides support for the adaptation of the tractor-based platform for use with the new sensing technologies developed. |
(Austria) |
Company Profile: The Interfaculty Department of Geoinformatics – Z_GIS ( is an interdisciplinary department (70 scientific and technical staff) established at Paris-Lodron University Salzburg (PLUS; It is dedicated to fundamental and applied research, integrated spatial analysis, outreach activities and networking, professional education ( and training ( As experts for the spatial view Z_GIS focuses on interoperable GIS usage, spatial modelling, satellite remote sensing, image analysis, digital cartography and GI-based communication. GI related methods and tools are applied and adapted to landscape and urban analysis, water and environmental management, crisis and conflict prevention, as well as climate change adaptation – all in the light of a sustainable future. A specific methodological focus is the integration of geo-spatial data and up-to-date satellite-derived image information using object-based image analysis (OBIA). Z_GIS promotes a systemic understanding of multi-scale, multi-dimensional spatial phenomena and their impact on the environment and the society. Main Roles in TIRAMISU: Land Impact Survey, Non-Technical Survey, Validation of remote sensing based products/services, Dissemination and Exploitation. |
(United Kingdom) |
Company Profile: The University of St Andrews is the third oldest university in the English speaking world, founded in 1413. Today it is a research intensive university, ranked 14th in the UK in the 2009 UK Research Assessment Exercise. The Organic Semiconductor Centre (OSC) at the University of St Andrews is an interdisciplinary research centre with the principal aim of advancing organic semiconductor materials and devices toward applications. Located in the School of Physics and Astronomy (ranked 2nd in the UK for research), OSC facilities include a purpose built clean room, and a suite of characterization laboratories containing state-of-the-art equipment for optical and electrical measurements. Of particular relevance to the current project are facilities for measurements of time-resolved photoluminescence and absolute efficiency of light emission, fabrication and characterization of polymer laser sensors, and trace vapour sensing. Main Roles in TIRAMISU: USTAN will participate in Technical Survey, Close-in detection and Validation. |
(Belgium) |
Company Profile: With its 11 faculties, one graduate school and the Institute for European Studies, ULB is a comprehensive university covering all disciplines and all study cycles. It is open to Europe and to the world, with a cosmopolitan staff and 32% of its 24 000 students coming from abroad. ULB is a founding member of UNICA, a network of excellence of major universities from the capital cities of Europe that plays a leading role in international R&D and mobility programmes. ULB is also a major research university of worldwide standing in the academic community. It lives up to its social, societal and scientific responsibilities with great commitment, combining broad-based teaching with very high-level research. ANAGEO, the team involved in TIRAMISU, is specialized in optical remote sensing and geospatial analysis and is part of the Faculty of Science, IGEAT (Institute for Environmental Management and Land Planning). ANAGEO has been developing an expertise in Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) since 2002. Main Roles in TIRAMISU: IGEAT will participate in the Non-Technical Survey, Validation of remote sensing based products/services. |
(Croatia) |
Company Profile: The Faculty is a public institution of higher education organizing and carrying out university studies, scientific and highly professional work in the scientific field of geodesy. The residence of the Faculty is in Zagreb, Kaciceva 26. The Faculty organizes and develops teaching and scientific work as an integral part of its activity. Faculty of Geodesy University of Zagreb, Chair for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing provides teaching of Photogrammetric, Remote Sensing and GIS topics, and research and services to the community in Humanitarian Demining (since 2001), water pollution (oil spills on the sea), fire fighting and forestry. The Chair has very good collaboration with CTDT. FGUNIZ was participate (with CTDT) in production of the Advanced Intelligence Decision Support System (AI DSS) and have main role in management of it and in methodological part of the system. FGUNIZ and CTDT are owners of AI DSS. The employees of the Chair participated in several projects of Humanitarian Demining and in operational deployment and advancement in SMART technology. Main Roles in TIRAMISU: FGUNIZ will participate in the definition of the State-of-the-art of existing and operational Advanced Intelligence Decision Support System (AI DSS) and in Advancements of AI DSS. |
(Poland) |
Company Profile: IMM (Instytut Maszyn Matematycznych – the Institute of Mathematical Machines) is a state-owned R&D institution, the oldest Polish institute acting in the field of computer science since 1957. The IMM is an institution subordinated to the Ministry of Economy and is responsible for development, application and dissemination of innovative ICT technologies. The IMM is staffed by 80 persons. Main sectors of the R&D activity of the Institute are: application of modelling and simulation technologies; e-training and e-learning systems and services; information systems for small and medium enterprises and state administration; biometric technologies development and security systems; documents management systems; semantic technologies development. IMM offers specialized training (e.g. on .NET technology and e-learning) and European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) courses. Main Roles in TIRAMISU: IMM will contribute to Tools for Mine Risk Education and Tools for Training |
(Croatia) |
Company Profile: Founded in 2003, CTDT is the leading Test and Evaluation institution in the field of Mine Action in the region of South-Eastern Europe. It is accredited by the Croatian Accreditation Agency to conduct certification of demining machines, mine detection dogs and metal detectors, personal protective equipment andprodders and manages two Testing sites. Main Roles in TIRAMISU: CTDT will conduct Operational validation in Croatia |
(Poland) |
Company Profile: The Professor Jozef Kosacki's Military Institute of Engineer Technology (WITI) is a company with core competencies in the field of research and development projects, as well as implementation works for the military industry and state defence. They include development of armament and equipment for the Polish defence sectors, in particular: explosives, minelaying and mineclearing, mines and their components; detection and breaching equipment, mobilepower stations and generators; water abstraction, treatment and water quality assessment under field conditions. field fortifications, camouflage, deception and engineer reconnaissance equipment; engineer machines, roadworks, fortifications and landing, bridging and crossing systems Main Roles in TIRAMISU : End Users Requirements, Tools for Disposal, Tools for Training, Tools Validation and Integration |
(Sweden) |
Company Profile (relevant to TIRAMISU): SPINATOR is a software consultant company providing high level senior consultants to software development projects and to software/system support. SPINATOR also develop and maintain "proprietary" software, which is provided to its customers under licence. SPINATOR have delivered expertise training and software to civilian and military organisations across the world and also for NATO and GICHD. SPINATOR is today acting as a strategic partner with the Swedish Armed Forces and the Slovak Ministry of Defence. Main Roles in TIRAMISU: SPINATOR are responsible for complete information integration and SPINATOR is (for this reason) also contributing to the user requirement definition. SPINATOR are responsible for the information structure and development of the system for collection, communication, analysis, presentation and distribution within (and in some cases outside) TIRAMISU. |
(Germany) |
Company Profile: PROTIME is an engineering company and brings more than 18 years of experience in design and development of mobile applications using satellite-navigation and mobile data-communication. Our special expertise are high precision SatNav using signals from all 3 systems (GPS,GLONASS and already GALILEO at the GATE testbed) – combining with sensors (acceleration, gyro, ...) and integration through mobile data communication (GSM, WLAN, …) with web based location-aware servers and services. Main Roles in TIRAMISU : PROTIME, in cooperation with DIALOGIS , provides the mobile RTLC-toolkit (Real-Time Location and Communication) for high accuracy locating and tracking (of sensors, persons, vehicles, animals and any mobile equipment), communication of locations and sensor measurements from the field to a backend system, geodata management and real-time geo-processing services, for the display of geodata, measurements and Remote Control on an Human machine Interface which can be attached to a driving remote-controlled robotic system, which allows the safe carry of sensor-systems into the field. PROTIME will focus on concept and design of hardware (design of electronic boards and devices) and software (embedded firmware, database and web server programming) for the areas of: (1) high precision position measurement using GNS (GPS, Galileo, GLONASS), IMU, compass, barometric sensors, (2) the wireless communication infrastructure for the transfer of sensor measurements to the backend system, (3) the backend server for location-aware services to the users and (4) the user frontend (MMI) and applications on mobile computers (PDA, smartphones) . |
(Belgium) |
Company Profile: SPACETEC PARTNERS SPRL is a strategy, management and communications consultancy founded in 2011 as a subsidiary of Munich-based SpaceTec Capital Partners GmbH. The company areas of activity include Space (Earth Observation, Navigation, SatCom, Exploration and Situational Awareness), Geo-information, Security and Defence. It participates to several FP7 Projects and service contracts for the EC's DG Enterprise and Industry. In the private sector, its clients include market leaders ASTRIUM GEO-Information Services or Booz & Co. Main Roles in TIRAMISU: dissemination and communicationleader, Member of the Project Coordination Team, assistance to Data Survey and links to related projects. |
(Spain) |
Company Profile: The Centre was founded in 1992 and incorporated as an agency into the European Union on 1 January 2002. The Centre shall, in coherence with the European Security Strategy, support the decision–making of the European Union in the field of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), in particular of the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP), including European Union crisis management operations, by providing, as appropriate, products resulting from the analysis of satellite imagery and collateral data, including aerial imagery, and related services. Main Roles in TIRAMISU : SatCen will lead Tools for Land Impact Survey, as well as participate in User Engagement activities such as Toolbox Requirements and operational validation. SatCen will have a participation in other RTD activities ( Tools for non Technical Survey) as well as managerial activities contributing to technical coordination. |
(Germany) |
Company Profile: VALLON GmbH is one of the worldwide leaders in the field of mine and IED-detectors and bomb locators and associated software. VALLON GmbH was founded in 1965 and started in that year reworking handheld metal mine detectors from the USA. Modern technology was applied to replace valve operated mine detector electronics. VALLON GmbH developed an own programme of different detectors for the specific application. There are various categories of mine and IED-detectors, handheld and vehicle based systems, land systems and under water systems. The first vehicle based metal mine detectors were introduced by VALLON GmbH in 1974 using analogue electronics and analogue signal processing. VALLON GmbH started computer aided detection in 1982, which requires data recording of the measurement data and computer aided analysis of the recorded data to determine e.g. object positions or depths. Today, the metal mine and IED-detectors from VALLON GmbH use modern digital signal processing, light-weight and robust materials to withstand the different operating conditions all over the world. VALLON's repertoire of vehicle based systems includes rigid and flexible detector arrays with electronics of fixed numbers of channels, e.g. 4 or 8 channels. Main Roles in TIRAMISU: VALLON will participate in developing tools for close-in detection (Metal Detector). R&D for novel, modular multichannel metal detection applicable for light-weight metal mine detection systems (e.g. on robots) and for larger swathe width vehicle based detection systems. Development of data interfaces between MD sensors and evaluation platforms. Development of algorithms for metal classification.
Development of MD hardware for integration into demining platforms. |
(Italy) |
Company Profile: IDS is an independent engineering and systems technology company, providing research, innovation and products for Civilian and Defence applications in four main areas: geophysical radar equipment, aeronautical engineering, air-navigation engineering, electromagnetic modelling and simulation (for system performance numerical prediction). Since 1980, IDS has specialized in providing consulting services for high-tech engineering projects and in developing integrated software solutions and measurement systems. IDS is recognised as a research centre by the Italian Ministry of Research and Universities. IDS is an international company with around 500 professional employees 80% with degrees in engineering, information technology, physics or mathematics.Its headquarters are in Pisa, Italy and it has subsidiary companies in the UK, Australia, Canada and Brazil. In the area of geophysical radar, IDS is one of the world largest manufacturers of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) equipment for geophysical and civil engineering applications as well as the main producer of an innovative interferometric radar for monitoring movement and deformations in slopes and structures. By exploiting the most advanced solutions, based on multi-channel and multi-frequency technology, IDS offers tailored GPR solutions for specific applications ranging from underground utilities mapping to structural analysis for Civil Engineering and archaeology. In this field IDS has always been strongly involved in research and development to further the GPR technology by leading or participating to a number of international projects (e.g. FP6 GIGA, FP7 ORFEUS) and National projects in Italy and the UK through IDS UK subsidiary (e.g. Mapping the Underworld, DART). Main Roles in TIRAMISU: IDS Georadar Division and the Radar Laboratory will be responsible for developing a densely sampled GPR imaging array for the close-in detection of mines and UXOs. |
(Austria) |
Company Profile: BRIMATECH is a market research organisation focusing on technology intensive business to business markets. Services include: analysis of user needs and requirements, market analysis and analysis of the innovation environment, assessment of innovations from a market- and user perspective, initiation and anagement of R&D projects and market introductions BRIMATECH's target groups include national and international research and development consortia, policy decision makers with a focus on technology, research organisations, Industry, and start-up companies. The BRIMATECH team has in-depth experience with a variety of market research methodology tailored for technology markets and an extensive international network,mainly in the field of transport. Main Roles in TIRAMISU: End Users Requirements, Tools for Mine Risk Education, Tools for Training, Tools Validation, Exploitation (Lead) |
(Belgium) |
Company Profile: The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) was officially created as an international non-profit association based in Brussels on 30 October 1975. CEN is a business facilitator in Europe, removing trade barriers for European industry and consumers. Its mission is to foster the European economy in global trading, the welfare of European citizens and the environment. Through its services it provides a platform for the development of European Standards and other technical specifications. CEN is a major provider of European Standards and technical specifications. It is the only recognized European organization according to Directive 98/34/EC for the planning, drafting and adoption of European Standards in all areas of economic activity with the exeption of electrotechnology (CENELEC) and telecommunication (ETSI). Main Roles in TIRAMISU:Standardisation |
(France) |
Company Profile: Founded in 1998, NOVELTIS is a French SME focused in the domains of Space Sciences, the Environment and Sustainable Development. In close collaboration with the research community, NOVELTIS' activities address environmental issues in three major areas: atmosphere, oceans and land surfaces. The NOVELTIS staff includes 48 permanent members, Furthermore, NOVELTIS supports PhD fellowships and R&D projects. Our field of activity requires sound mathematical and data processing methodologies, combining image and signal processing, modelling and assimilation techniques, with rigorous programming procedures. Main Roles in TIRAMISU: NOVELTIS will be involved in pre-processing and processing of remotely sensed data, and in signal processing and electromagnetic modelling for mine detection using GPR. |
(Germany) |
Company Profile: DIALOGIS is an expert for locating- and geo-information solutions. As a solution provider company DIALOGIS designs location intelligence solutions for real customers' needs in different branches. The company is specialised in the analysis of user requirements and business processes and the design and development of best fitting technical geo-ICT solutions based on professional localisation technologies. Main Roles in TIRAMISU: DIALOGIS, in cooperation with PROTIME, provides the mobile RTLC-toolkit (Real-Time Location and Communication) for high accuracy locating and tracking (of sensors, persons, vehicles, animals and any mobile equipment), communication of locations and sensor, measurements from the field to a backend system (GIS and SDSS), geodata management and real-time geo-processing services. |
(Italy) |
Company Profile: PIERRE has been producing agricultural technologies since 1883. The company is family driven and owns several patents in the agricultural domain. It is currently producing the only fully hydraulic tractor with double steering system allowing reaching the minimum radius of curvature of 2.2m. Instead of having a fixed production line it produces each tractor with traditional tools available in its workshop. This allows PIERRE to produce very high quality tractor and to be as flexible as it is needed in changing the design of the tractor to satisfy customer requirements. Main Roles in TIRAMISU: PIERRE will mainly work in close collaboration with DIMEC in the development of agricultural derived tools for ground verification in Technical Survey. It will also be involved in developing protective equipment and tools integration. |
(Italy) |
Company Profile: is a no profit social enterprise experienced in embedding people’s creativity and local resources into new technologies for end-users independence. We have developed strong attitude at translating end-users needs in technical requirements and at developing simple solutions to real problems in different domains (agriculture, energy production, Mine Action). After having carried out extensive research on the use of technologies in the field, in many different mine affected countries (Jordan, Sri Lanka, Mozambique, Cambodia, Mauritania, Kosovo, Georgia, Namibia, Kurdistan, Thailand,…) we have achieved a fairly good understanding of Mine Action problems. We have also attended Mine Risk Education trainings. We have experience also in blast tests acquired on machine protective equipment tests both in Italy and in the field. Main Roles in TIRAMISU: Snail-Aid will lead the Mine Risk Education part of TIRAMISU, will collaborate to the Toolbox Requirements and will collaborate to the Tools for Protective Equipment part. |
(Japan) |
Company Profile: Tohoku University, abbreviated to Tohokudai, located in Sendai, Miyagi in the T?hoku Region, Japan, is a Japanese national university. It is the third oldest Imperial University in Japan and is a member of the National Seven Universities Main Roles in TIRAMISU: Tohoku University is in charge of the improvement of a new dual sensor detector (ALIS). This tool features a GPR radar and a metal detector and can combine the 2 outputs on a screen. |