
Tiramisu Labels

Labels are informative documents that provide basic technical information about the different TIRAMISU tools. Labels are based on a common template to facilitate the understanding for the users, allowing them to make a fast preliminary selection before performing an advanced analysis and comparison. They can be downloaded from the table below in the form of .pdf files.  

Table 1 : list of TIRAMISU lables 


 Software and services


 Operational system

Integrate image/data acquisition and analysis for re-delineating and re-defining SHA


 Airborne survey

Provide the georeferenced distribution for the UXOs on geocoded orthorectified mosaic of the scene


 Airborne hyperspectral survey

Providing scene discrimination maps and maps of vegetated area contaminated by land mines


 Acquiring and pre-  processing  imagery

Guide the user in the acquisition of relevant remote sensing imagery and carrying out the necessary pre-processing



Map features of interest based on the interpretation and analysis of aerial and satellite imagery


 GIS-Based Priority Setting  System

Combination of spatial analysis and multi-criteria methods to support high-level mine action system


 Support to SHA re-delineation

GIS-based analysis of the conflict landscape for supporting SHA re-delineation and assessment


 Information Management  System 

Information Management  System 

 Billy Goat Radio

 Mine Risk Education

Create and carry out complete cost-efficient Mine Risk Education campaign 

 Tracking System

 Tracking System with Sweep  Monitoring 

Improve the efficiency and evaluate the capabilities of operators during the training tasks with hand-keld detectors

 Training tools


 General Advanced and Non-  Technical Survey

Provide the main basic topics related to General Advanced and Non-Technical Survey Tools


 Basic training in  identification and defusing  ammunition

Provide operators with the basic knowledge required for the identification and disposal of the most common types of ammunition

 Manipulation of Mines

 Virtual Manipulation of Mines

Train the operator in several disposal tasks such as handling and excluding the detonator from an explosive

 Feedback Prodder

Feedback Prodder for training 

Improve the efficiency and evaluate the capabilities of operators during the training tasks with prodders

 Protective equipment

 Mine Shield

 Protective equipment against anti-personnel mine and UXO

 Requires specialised knowledge of a particular topic

 Mine Roover

 Fire Setting method

 Anti-personnel mine-neutralisation set

 Requires specialised knowledge of a particular topic

 Explosive Method

Anti-personnel mine-neutralisation set

 Requires specialised knowledge of a particular topic

 Light Mine Roller

 Mine Remover

 Very simple and not language dependent

 Other tools

 RDX neutralisation

 Environmentally friendly method of decomposing hexogen

 Requires specialised knowledge of a particular topic

 Triple Impact Technique

 Method for testing protective equipment

 Requires specialised knowledge of a particular topic