
TIRAMISU presented during the 2013 Standing Committees of the Mine Ban Treaty

Marie-France André, Embassy counselor, Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the presentation

The meeting of the Intersessional Standing Committees (ISCs) of the Mine Ban Treaty (MBT) took place between 27-30 May 2013 at the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. The meeting included a workshop on victim assistance, which took place 30-31 May.

The meeting of the Standing Committees serves as a core part of the Intersessional Work Programme established in 1999 at the First Meeting of the State Parties.

Dr. Yann Yvinec from the Royal Military Academy of Belgium, which coordinates the TIRAMISU project, presented the project's work on developing technologies to facilitate the removal of landmines. The event was attended by representatives of several EU and international institutions involved in demining activities.

The ISC meeting provides an opportunity for the various States to report on the recent progress they have made towards the implementation of the MBT and the Cartagena Action Plan (CAP). The event is also a platform for informal discussions on challenges, plans and requirements for assistance and cooperation, all of which is designed to help stakeholders to successfully fulfill the objectives of the treaty. This intersessional meeting falls just over a year in advance of the Third Review Conference of the Treaty that will take place mid-2014 in Mozambique and represents a major milestone in the life of the Treaty.

The ISC meetings are open to State Parties, non-State Parties, as well as relevant international and non-governmental organisations.

Read more: http://www.icbl.org/index.php/icbl/Library/News/MBT-ISM-2013